Branding, Packaging, Visual Identity, Copywriting

OOOEEE Reconsidered

Personal Project

“Words, although wonderful, are not the only way to communicate”

OOOEEE is a frozen yogurt brand that helps non-verbal children communicate their emotions without the need for words in a fun and interactive way.

Direction embraces the concept of ‘play.’

Name: OOOEEE - An expression of delight.

Structural Design: Bow tie colours indicate different moods.

Text: Tone of voice uses simple poetry to engage the reader.

Happy, Healthy and Vibrant Colour Palette

Final Idea

Rollout: As a brand, OOOEEE can stretch to more than just frozen yogurt tubs. The strong visual identity allows for fun and interactive ways to raise awareness for being non-verbal.

Games such as “guess the expression”, and “can you sign?” on the app help non-verbal children understand cues and other forms of communication, whilst the books aim to raise awareness using interactive methods such as sounds and textures.

Promotional Campaign Idea for OOOEEE:

OOOEEE monster cut-outs are placed around town, looking for frozen yogurts in their surroundings and interacting with people/objects.

This publicity stunt is a fun and interactive way to spark conversation around OOOEEE, bringing the brand to life amongst both children and adults.

Outcome: Greater knowledge of the brand amongst the public. OOOEEE will encourage sharing the stunt on social media, further increasing the brand’s reach.


